Beliefs about learning in general.
I believe learning is a consistent and endless process. People learn most powerfully and deeply when there is a desire, interest, and relevancy to the material.
Beliefs about the relationship between teaching and learning.
Teaching and learning are linked and dependent upon each other. In order for me to connect the dots, I must know what kind of learner I am as well as become familiar with all the other theories out there.
Beliefs about myself as a learner.
My beliefs about myself is that of a persistent learner who typically need many opportunities to fully understand its components. I need hands-on, creativity, and learning experiences. As I stated before, learning is an endless process and I’m in it for the long haul.
Beliefs on the difference between a learning philosophy vs a teaching philosophy.
A Learning Philosophy and a Teaching Philosophy should align well together. I want to define my learning style and theories so that I can better educate learners. As for me, I belief learning will always happen. Finding value in the main learning theories will help me educate in a more holistic learning environment.
Are you a Constructivist, Behaviorist, Cognitivist, or something else and why do you identify with this learning theory? Who is the main theorist of your identified theory?
Constructivism is where learning is an active, constructive process. Behaviorism is where learning is based on “stimulus-response.” Cognitivism is where learning is focused on the learner's information processed by the mind. Connectivism takes these learning theories and connects them to a technological world.
I’d like to identify with the constructivist approach because its not enough for me to just “think” about learning, but to be an active participant in my learning.
The main theorists of constructivism are:
Piaget (1896-1980), Dewey (1859-1952), Vygotsky (1896-1943), and Bruner (1915-2016).
Connect to one or more learning theories to support your position.
My Learning Philosophy is based around Constructivism, in that learning is constantly an active, building process. Understanding the different types of learning theories will help me better create significant learning environments (CSLE)