Usability Testing & Reflection


I am passionate about improving the minds of individuals and creating lifelong learners who are looking to learn new things every day.

For the asynchronous ePortfolio creation course, I asked 2 of my colleagues and 1 high school student to complete the first module of the course and then to share their input with me via survey. I also asked one of my peers to complete the course module and provide feedback (without any input from me) so I could compare. 

Usability Testing Video

Preview of Course Stakeholder Survey

How your stakeholders/peers are able to navigate the Introduction/Overview/Start Here section of your course and how they are able to navigate to and engage in a short activity from the first module.

My usability testing survey includes questions rating users’ feelings on the course’s navigation structure, level of engagement, and level of effectiveness of materials provided. There will also be a section where users can provide further feedback and comments.

How long will your usability test last?

Usability testing will be done using the first module and should take 1 day. 

What are the criteria for the activity that you want your testers to do?

The activities to be completed during the testing of module 1, it will include 1 discussion, the beginnings of creating an ePortfolio, a blog post discussing and reflecting on learning. The criteria for these activities are listed in detail within the course itself. You can see some of these instructions below. 

Your ePortfolio at MINIMUM will include the work you started in this course or other professional learning opportunities and:

  • Weekly posts: Reflections on your ePortfolio experimentations and experience (you can and should post more than once a week)
  • Thoughts on the Growth Mindset 
  • Engagement in your professional learning communities.
  • Thoughts on Learning/Teaching
  • Wrap up: connecting all the components into a cohesive perspective at the end of the 5-week course

 Growth mindset plan: Ultimately, this plan will be different for every learner, so do not worry if your plan is different from your peers but consider the following questions:

  • Why is the growth mindset so important?
  • How will you incorporate the four steps?
  • How will you communicate the message of “yet” to your others?
  • What resources (content, video, media, etc.) will you use to promote the growth mindset?
  • When and how often will you promote the growth mindset?
  • How will the growth mindset influence or impact the way you approach your work in this course and the program?  
  • How will your testers report back (ie. screen capture tools like Screencast-O-Matic, Camtasia, etc., or direct observation or response)?

Usability testers will report back using a Google form. You can view this form by clicking HERE

Reflect on who you were able to have conduct the usability testing? Were you able to get the right people? Why or why not? What can you do to better improve this in the future?

I think so far, I have been able to get the right people to complete my testing because have a colleague that is seasoned and one who is new to the profession. I also included a cohort from the ADL program and a 12th grade student. Users have different viewpoints and background knowledge so their input and thoughts on the course can be used to help make it more accessible for all educators and learners.


What impact did your platform (LMS, Google Docs, or other digital sharing) have on the testing and results?

I used Google Classroom as my LMS because of its capacity for organization and customization. The usability survey has also been problem-free thus far. 


What were the lessons you learned from the usability testing feedback?

Throughout the feedback, I have received so far, a common concern is the lack of specific instructions. I think I will need to include a video introduction or further explain that one of the main goals of this course is for learners to branch out on their own to learn through discovery rather than a lecture-based style. I think by adding this clarification and possibly providing more clear examples I can alleviate this problem for my learners. 


What have you done to your design to address the usability issues revealed in the testing? What have you added or taken away?

I have added more clear instructions and information regarding the ePortfolio project included in my course. This has been the only thing I feel needed to be altered so far. 


How has this process improved your course and your learner's experience?

I think this process has shown that sometimes what is included may seem clear to the person creating the course but can potentially be confusing to the learners participating in it. I am glad I was able to receive feedback from multiple perspectives in this sense because it made it easy to see where my instruction was lacking. 


How has the testing impacted your alignment of outcomes activities and assessment?

My usability testing reinforced the alignment of my outcomes and activities thus far.


How will you address the infrastructure, system, and support needs and issues the learner may face?

These needed will be met through google classroom contact and support systems as well as through my own personal contact. If users face any issues, they may email me as my email address is listed.

Would you like to participate in our usability testing?

Check out the information below!

  1. Using the Enrollment below, enroll in the Google Classroom (ePortfolios 101) course FIRST.
  2. Using the Survey link below, answer the questions as you adventure through the Google Classroom course.
  3. Use a screen capture application such as Screencast-O-matic, Camtasia, or something similar to record and share your experience with me. I can access your screen capture recordings via Google Drive, Microsoft Onedrive, Dropbox, or another digital sharing platform.
  4. Alternatively, if this isn’t possible, you can debrief me directly or provide a summary of your experience in another form.

Course Enrollment

Students can self-enroll in the course once you share with them this URL:


After you have enrolled in the course, please review the survey below, as it outlines what you will be looking for as you test the Google Classroom course: Course Survey

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