Applied Digital Learning Synthesis

The reflection process is always part of our learning. As we are more exposed to information, ideas, and experiences our perception and understanding change and become more relevant. 

COVA / CSLE Reflection

*** Click the 3-dots on the bottom left of the slide-show above to expand and navigate***

Take a look at how COVA (choice, ownership, voice, & authentic experiences) and CSLE (creating significant learning environments) have impacted me as a learner and as an educator. 

If you find these topics interesting please check out the links below and explore some of the other pages located here on my ePortfolio.

The COVA approach to education allows students to take ownership of their learning through authentic learning experiences, granting them Choice, Ownership, and Voice in their learning environment. This approach to learning is transformative for learners as they are given back their voice and given the opportunity to choose how they would like to learn new information. 

To learn more on this topic, please visit: COVA Approach

Since the beginning of this ADL journey (Collaborating through ePortfolios), many things have changed and I'm sure more will as time goes on. If you are interested in knowing more about what has happened so far and to see a little of where I am going, check out the update below.

Connecting The Dots

Take a look at the process I went through as I blossomed into a innovative digital learner and educator

by clicking the interactive presentation below.

*** Click the 3-dots on the bottom left of the slide-show above to expand and navigate***

If you find these topics interesting please check out the links to the right and explore some of the other pages located here on my ePortfolio.

Putting everything together makes for effective learning, leading, & teaching

I have now analyzed, connected, and reflected. I have developed into a digital learner and am excited to see where the skills I have developed can take me. Throughout this journey, I have identified and promoted innovation, created significant digital learning environments, and led organizational change.

To see an overview of my experience, read and click through Preszi presentation below!

What's Next?

Looking back at everything that I have experienced and learned throughout this program, it is easy to see that so much has changed.  Not only for me as a learner but for my learning community and the individuals that I work with every day. 

I can analyze every moment of this experience, but the truth is despite the mistakes or things I would change if it was any other way I would not have grown into the learner I am now.  Looking forward, I hope to continue my journey as a digital innovator and grow my ePortfolio innovation plan. I will also take action to improve and grow on a continual basis so I’ll never be out-of-date. 

I know these things won’t happen overnight, but now I have valuable tools and the knowledge to make all of my hopes and dreams for them become a reality!

Graduation In View

May 13, 2023

If you find theses topics interesting, please click on the links and explore

Lamar University Commencement 

Interested in working together?

Reach out via my Contact Page and let's make it happen!