Aligning Outcomes, Activities, & Assessments
Time to Explore!
Let's take a journey through organizing outcomes, activities, and assessments with course unit design models:
*Fink's Creating Significate Learning Experiences' Three Column Table
*McTighe's Understanding by Design Template.
Learning Environment & Situation Factors
Questions for Formulating Significant Learning Goals
Three Column Table
Fink's A Self-Directed Guide to Designing Courses for Significate Learning
L. Dee Finkins Three Column Table organizes a course unit with a BHAG --Big Hairy Audacious Goal, framed around leaning goals sorted by Fink's Taxonomy of Significate Learning.
Understanding by Design
Let's zoom in closer to my BHAG with Understanding by Design.
Wiggins and McTigne's (2005) UbD 1-Page Design Template creates a thorough version of desired results, assessment evidence, and learning activities.
Three Column Table VS. UbD Template
There are so many ways to get to our destination: significant learning environments. Fink's Three Column Table and Understanding by Design Template both use backwards design to play for the learner's goals. I hope to use both designs in creating my Innovation Plan: Collaboratively Achieving the Extraordinary .
Personally, learning to primarily define my learner's goals before planning learning experience is very beneficial. Using the UbD to define Assessment evidence before planning learning experiences is also helpful. Backwards design models definitely help me create a significant learning environment with the learner outcomes in mind. Both plans will help me in creating significant learning environments where blended learning can thrive and truly be successful.
Fink, L. D., PhD. (n.d.). A self-directed guide to designing courses for significant learning. Pdf. Retrieved from Retrieved from
Wiggins, G., McTighe, J. (2005) Understanding by Design: Expanded 2nd Edition. [Kindle eBook] Retrieved from