What Drives Me

Published on 15 July 2021 at 15:27

In Dr. H's post titled "Mapping Your Learner's Journey", the driving and directions analogy captured my attention mostly because I'm not so good at directions.  He talks about how he believes it's our responsibility as educators to not only create a learning environment where the learner has choice, ownership, voice, and agency other their learning...but it's our responsibility to guide them through their  personal development journey and help them take ownership of their learning. 

As for me, after tons of practice and failed-trips, I can travel to certain destinations in Texas without depending on Google Maps. However, the technology helps me to get to my destination faster and with more efficiency.

But can we compare this to education? 

I do agree that our learners need to relieve the dependency on step-by-step directions. They have been brainwashed by standardized tests that they just to know the answers and make an "A". They want to know all the secrets to acing the test. In reality, there are no magic tricks. Technology will also not give you secrets. Digital tools will help our learners get to their desired destination along with other tools such as connections of past experiences and their "brain".


-Melissa Strout


Harapnuik, D. (2016, June 16). Mapping your learner’s journey [Blog post]. Retrieved from http://www.harapnuik.org/?p=6420 

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