Contribution to My Learning Community

Throughout my final 8 weeks in the Digital Learning and Leading program, I have had to ask myself more than once, what does it mean to contribute? Specifically, what does it mean to contribute to my community and to myself? Throughout this process of reflection and being asked how well I contributed to my own learning and to the community as a whole, I have come to conclude that contribution may not always mean giving to others, but also supporting them when things become difficult and encouraging them to push themselves and try harder than they are.

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Right tool for the job

You just have to figure out the best way to utilize that tool to better serve and help humans in their everyday lives. There may be some great tools here, but that tool is for a different job. I can still use that tool, but for when I’m ready for “that” job. 

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"Rethink" The Power of YET

In her renowned TED talk, “The Power of Yet”, Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck espouses the virtue of “yet”, describing a school with a grading system that includes a category for “not yet” instead of a fail:

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Change your Mindset, THEN change your Words!

Like many Growth Mindset memes, there are truths to the infographic. Students with a Fixed Mindset do tend to engage in self-talk along the lines of “I can’t,” “I give up,” and, “This is too hard.” And students with a Growth Mindset tend to engage in self-talk along the lines of “I can’t yet,” “I’ll find another way,” and, “This may take some time and effort.”

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What Drives Me

In Dr. H's post titled "Mapping Your Learner's Journey", the driving and directions analogy captured my attention mostly because I'm not so good at directions.  He talks about how he believes it's our responsibility as educators to not only create a learning environment where the learner has choice, ownership, voice, and agency other their learning...but it's our responsibility to guide them through their  personal development journey and help them take ownership of their learning. 

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Productivity killer?

There’s nothing better than the feeling of working together and finishing a huge task. There’s also few things worse than feeling like you’re pulling all the weight in a collaboration.

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Personal Learning Networks

A Personal Learning Network is a way of describing the group of people that you connect with to learn their ideas, their questions, their reflections, and their references. Your PLN is not limited to online interactions, but it is that online, global interactive part that really makes it special. It is personal because you choose who’s part of that group; you choose if you want to lurk–just check out what people are saying–or if you share; because you choose when to do so, and how to do so.”

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The power in the word "YET"

The power in the word “Yet” changes an entire thought. Its 3 simple letters but a world of possibilities. Over the years I’ve considered myself to be technologically challenged. Of course, that’s been one of the negative thoughts in my head, so taking in the advice I’ve given to so many was a stretch. Changing those negative thoughts into positive ones is key.

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